Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New week, new/old trainer!

Hey guys.

Finally, my trainer is back. Ton was in Malaysia with his brother Tum to film Contender Asia 2 for some weeks, so i had to switch trainers for that period. But i gotta tell you, i am really glad he is back. After our first training session together again i remember why i train with him.

I decided to start recording all my training sessions from now on so i can watch the tapes and see all my mistakes and make sure to get rid of them in time. So don't take this video as a how to, take it more as a how not too, at least for now :) In this video i do some pad work, we always do pad work at the end of our sessions, each round about 5/6 minutes... believe me that is enough! For example, you can see that my hips are still sore and i can't manage to kick properly/that might also be because i just haven't really figured out the right way to do it either. Also when i knee i do not lean back enough and i don't push my toes downward. You might also realise that i don"t throw any right hands, that is because my hand is still sore, i might have to get an x-ray after all...

I will upload some technique videos aswell as soon as i have enough footage.

I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.
~ Bruce Lee

Take care. See you soon!


  1. Manny has the gymn grown? Uppercuts looking awesome.. BIG IMPROVEMENTS ! Check you out ! Loving the blog.. keep em coming, and give tum my love.Yara xxx

  2. Manni love it :)..

  3. hehe.. thx. i got my spirit back since ton is back!! gopro cam makes it all look bigger :P
