Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another day, another goal!

As you might remember my teacher Ton is back since last week, so we started working on technique again. Due to Tons right arm being injured we focus on my hands this week, which is good, cause i have got lots of holes to fix!
Although i do feel much better already, there are all those little tweaks, just tiny changes in the way you hold your hands, the way you move your hips, the way you move your body and many more that make all the difference. And you can feel the change imediately, you just generate way more power, evereything feels more fluent, it just feels right.

I am trying gradually to become better, stronger and to get more endurance, but you have to find the right amount to make sure not to overtrain yourself, so i will up the doze slowly over the next few weeks. At the moment my training routine looks like this.
I go for a run at 8:30, from 9:00 - 10:00am private lesson, after training run again and sometimes some bag work. If i feel alright i do this 5 times a week, if i feel really weak one day i go 4 times and might just go for a run instead. If i have a good week you might catch me in the fitness gym for 2 times.. but im not a huge fan of weights to be honest.

If you ask yourself why we kick each others legs and noone bothers to check the kicks, thats not because we are stupid.. well maybe i am a little.. but it is to condition and prepare your legs and make them stronger. The next time you get kicked at the same spot it will hurt less.. at least thats what i've been told.. :D

If you see something that i do wrong or that i could do better please let me know.. i'm here to improve .. no hard feelings!

Enjoy the video, sorry Ton for kicking you in the nuts!

"A fight is not won by one punch or kick. Either learn to endure or hire a bodyguard." Bruce Lee

1 comment:

  1. Nice work Manni :)... You are improving impressively, well done :)... Kicking Ton in the nuts, well his GF wont be to happy hahaahahahaah
